Saturday 25 April 2015

Favourite Penguin Jokes

Here are a few of the best Penguin jokes:

·         Q: Why don’t Penguins like rock music? A: They only like sole.

·         Q: How do Penguins drink their cola? A: On the rocks.

·         Q: What’s a penguin’s favourite relative? A: Aunt Arctica

·         Q: How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together

·         Q: Where do penguins go swimming? A: At the South Pool!
Source: Happy Feet Movie
·         Q: What do Penguins like to eat? A: Brrrrrrrritos.

·         Q: Who is a Penguin´s favourite pop star? A: Seal.

·         Q: Where do penguins keep their money? A: In a snow bank!

·         Q: Were do penguins get money from? A: A fishbank.

·         Q: What kind of fish do Penguins catch at night? A: Starfish.

·         Q: Why don´t Penguins like rock music? A: They only like sole.

·         Q: What do you call a happy penguin? A: a Pen-Grin!

·         Q: What did one Emperor Penguin say to the other? A: Nothing, he just gave him the cold 