Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Celebrating World Water Day

World Water Day is annually celebrated on the 22nd of March. Water is such a valuable resource and this important day is celebrated to raise vital awareness that all people must use water sparingly to take future generations into account, too. It expands people’s knowledge about the importance of water and other related issues to make an invaluable difference. The spotlight is placed on the importance of freshwater while simultaneously encouraging freshwater resources to be sustainably managed.

It commenced in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). A theme is chosen each year by UN-Water relating to either a current or future challenge that we are facing right now or will in the future. This year’s theme is: Better water, better jobs. Approximately 1.5 billion people work in sectors relating to water. Water plays an instrumental role in creating and supporting jobs.
Here is the official World Water Day video:

Water is not only important for drinking and for good health, it is also vitally important for comprehensively supporting economic, social, and human development. One of the most powerful way to contribute to this important day is to raise your voice on social media by using the hashtags #WaterisWork and #WorldWaterDay.

 Source: UN-Water
“You never miss the water till the well runs dry” is a very true and relevant idiom.

Source: How stuff works

Monday, 21 March 2016

Facts about Fantastic Forests

Here are a few interesting facts about forests:

·       Forests cover about one third of the world’s land mass.

·       Forests provide an array of ecological, economic, social and health benefits and are essential for meeting people’s needs.

·       Forests act as natural water filters.

·       Forests are the most biologically-diverse ecosystems on land, home to more than 80% of the terrestrial species of animals, plants, and insects.

·       They provide shelter, jobs, and security for forest-dependent communities. Around 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their livelihood, food, fiber, water, fuel, shelter, and income.

·       It provides clean air and water and regulate the climate. Contributing to the balance of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and humidity in the air.

·       They help to tackle climate change.

·       Deforestation continues at an alarming rate - 13 million hectares of forest are destroyed annually, an area roughly the size of England.

·       Deforestation accounts for 12 to 20 percent of the global greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.

·       Forested watersheds and wetlands supply 75 percent of the world’s accessible freshwater

·        Healthy forests are critical for building resilience—the ability to bounce back from storms and other natural disasters.

·       Deforestation accounts for 12 to 20 percent of the global greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.

·       Forests minimize soil erosion on site, reduce sediment in water bodies and trap or filter water pollutants in the forest litter.


Forest-related Quotes

In honour of celebrating International Day of Forests, here are a few important forest-related quotes:




International Day of Forests

Today International Day of Forests is celebrated all over the world. This year’s theme is “Forests and Water”. It is celebrated globally to raise awareness about the importance of all forests not only for current generations but also for future generations’ benefit. It also places a spotlight on deforestation and how it can effectively be dealt with.

Source: Discover the Forest Organisation
Forests cover one third of the Earth's land mass which comprise vital functions globally. Forests play an important role in sustaining and protecting us; they are the lungs of our planet; they are essential for life and survival providing valuable goods and services; and are important in supplying freshwater for our planet.

Source: WWF International
Here is a short video about this important day:

Please follow the following link to participate in a quiz to find out how much you truly know about forests: http://www.fao.org/zhc/detail-events/en/c/280085/

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Examples of what you can do on World Wildlife Day

This year there is also a greater focus on social media and the power thereof because it plays an important role on raising awareness to educate people about this vital environmental day. This will ensure the protection of wildlife daily. Showing your support by supporting is very easy; including

·         Use your computer or phone to digitally spread the message. This will ensure that more people are reached and they, too, will be aware of this important day. Use the hashtags #WWD2016; #InOurHands; #WorldWildlifeDay.
·         Make use of the WWD logo as widely as possible.

·         Make use of the following official posters to commemorate this day:


·         Visit a zoo, a museum, a botanical garden or a national park.

·         Launch a new campaign linked with the World Wildlife Day.

·         Talk about wildlife in schools and universities.

·         Organize wildlife photo exhibitions.

·         Supporting your local conservation projects.

·         Put up wildlife exhibits.

·       Collaborate with local zoos, conservation centres, wildlife reserves, museums or botanical gardens and encourage them to celebrate World Wildlife Day.

·        Collect signatures for a “say ‘no’ to illegal wildlife products” campaign.

·         Donate your time. Many organizations and zoos have volunteer programs.

·       Learn more about our planet’s species from experts. Visit the websites of conservation organizations Subscribe to a wildlife magazine and watch nature programmes on TV.


Wildly Wonderful World Wildlife Day

World Wildlife Day is internationally celebrated on the 3rd of March every year. It revolves around raising awareness of our beautiful and divers wild fauna and flora as well as why it is imperative that it must be conserved for future generations. The focus is not only charismatic, majestic species but also the lesser known (but equally important) species. It is specifically celebrated on this day because it marks the day that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was adopted in 1973. CITES have 182 Member States and is a powerful international tool for biodiversity conservation by regulating the trade in wild fauna and flora. .Every year the day is celebrated with a specific theme in mind and this year’s theme is “The future of wildlife is in our hands”, globally focusing on the conservation of African and Asian elephants through the subtheme of “The future of elephants is in our hands”. The theme emphasizes the inextricable link between wildlife, people and sustainable development.

Wildlife has an intrinsic value and contributes to the ecological, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational and aesthetic aspects of sustainable development and human well-being. It is a vitally important day because the world’s wonderful wildlife is facing many challenges including habitat loss, overgrazing, farming, and development. Furthermore, poaching and trafficking in wildlife especially elephants, pangolins, rhinoceros, sharks, tigers and precious tree species of are threats to these species as well.
 A worrisome and shocking fact is that about 100,000 elephants were estimated to be slaughtered for their ivory between the period 2010 - 2012. Wildlife crime has wide-ranging economic, environmental and social impacts.

Countries and individuals alike around the globe are enthusiastically encouraged to take actions to place greater attention on wild animals and plants from their own countries and commit themselves to conserving these precious species and to protect them from imminent threats as well as to protect their habitat indefinitely. It is the responsibility of each generation to safeguard wildlife for the following generation.   

So, please, join us in this celebration. We all have an imperative role to play to be part of the solution to ensure that adequate wildlife conservation takes place. Together, with our collective conservation actions, we will ensure that these wildly wonderful wildlife will not go extinct, but, conversely, prosper. Please speak for the voiceless. And remember, every day should be Wildlife Day.

"On this World Wildlife Day, I call on all citizens, businesses and governments to play their part in protecting the world’s wild animals and plants.  The actions taken by each of us will determine the fate of the world’s wildlife.  The future of wildlife is in our hands!" - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Website for WWD 2016 is: http://www.wildlifeday.org/
