Thursday 2 February 2017

Today is World Wetlands Day!

World Wetlands Day (WWD) is annually celebrated on the 2nd of February. Government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and citizens annually undertake actions aimed specifically at raising public awareness of wetland values and benefits and, in particularly, the Ramsar Convention.
Source: UN
Theme for 2017
The Standing Committee of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands accepted “Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction” as this year’s theme, during its 52nd meeting held in Gland, Switzerland from 13 – 17 June 2016. It was selected to raise awareness and it plays an essential role in reducing the effect of extreme weather events including floods, droughts and cyclones on communities. In fact, healthy wetlands help us cope with extreme weather events and in helping to build resilience.

The Ramsar Convention defines a wetland as “any land or area that is saturated or flooded with water, either permanently or seasonally, along with all beaches and shallow coastal areas, including 6 meters into the sea. This definition covers all inland wetlands such as marshes, ponds, lakes, fens, rivers, floodplains, and swamps as well as the whole range of coastal wetlands, which includes saltwater marshes, estuaries, mangroves, lagoons, and coral reefs”.

Learn more about this important environmental day by visiting the official World Wetlands Day ( Here, you’ll find valuable advice and inspiration to celebrate it.